Posted in project

Return of the App

Guess who’s back? Back again.

Jen is back. And so’s the app!

Some may have noticed I’ve been away from this side of things as I’ve been working on a lot of other projects and the like for the past couple of months. My apologies. But the good news is I am back and ready to rock and roll with this baby!

Couple of things to point out before the blog posts return to their app-related goodness. First one is that the YouTube channel is probably stopping now. I, sadly, just don’t have the time to film them along with everything else going on and so it is on hiatus for for forseeable future. I’m still carrying on with book reviews and insights, but as I’ve said in a previous post these will be restricted to the new site: adventuresofabookreader.

Second thing is that the app has evolved a bit and is changing. Also, it may be the case I won’t be able to develop the app itself, i.e. the actual coding of it. This is unfortunate, but again, with time restrictions now in play, the possibility of me learning a whole new medium might just be too much of a stretch. This, however, is only a possibility. I will of course keep you updated.

But the most important thing is that the app is a go, and I’m really excited to get stuck straight back into it and working on it. Hope you’ll follow me for the ride!

Jen x

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